Getting light into our site will be a key issue in making the site work I have looked how other people have been able to bring light into their buildings effectively.
Leimondo Nursery School by Archivision Hirotani Studio.
The first image is from a primary school in japan the light is brought in through large chimneys the large chimneys have windows at different angles and positions which create different effects within the rooms depending on the need for light in that space.
Chimneys with windows at different directions.
The effect in side of having light come through small scale holes really creates interesting light patterns, which for the purpose of a primary school gives interest and encourage response from its users (the children) The light will change over the day.
Child chasing light,
"The children may be able to feel the changes of these “lights”, even chase them and play with them, and to enjoy this gift of “light” in their daily activities." Posted on Wednesday, August 10th, 2011 at 12:41 am by Amy Frearson.
This inteactions with the user makes the chimneys part of the buildings function rather than just aesthetic appearance and any light features I create should aim to have a function as well as aesthetic appeal and should not be there simply because "it looks pretty"
These high chimneys reminded me our trip to Wakefield sculpture park, while at the sculpture park we viewed the James Turrell piece : Deer Shelter Skyspace
This space also featured a opening in the roof which allowed light into the space, but was done in a very different way, when inside the space the seating draws your eyes upwards as it is at an angle, your eye is drawn to opening which frames the sky above you. in this use the light floods the room and becomes the focal point.
I think I would like to include similar views within my project, it gives a lot of light but keeps the occupant of the room secluded and less distracted, this view would be a good addition to the music studio or studio as it will allow focus.
Another project that deals with lack of light really well is light walls from Japanese studio mA-style Architects, This small house is in a shaded area between two house so the use or windows was limited so in order to bring light into the space the architects used perimeter sky lights to diffuse the light around the space.
This diagram shows how the house is built up the perimeter sky lights allow a large amount of sun light into the space and the use of the roof beams and lamented floors allows light to disperse throughout the building with really interesting effects, the interior has been designed with the residents in mind, and the layout is open plan with the private spaces in boxes.
I really like the patterns of light which are created by the beams in the roof hitting the internal boxes.
Framing Views
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